Thursday, July 19, 2012

Snacks not included?????

I've learned something about riding a bike: it's easier staying upright if you're moving. It's apparently much harder trying to balance while sitting still. That was the major mistake I made the first try. Paralyzed by fear of tipping over, I tipped over while standing still. Getting ready for my second try, my daughter loaned me the following: (Just call me second hand Rose.)

This bike has been "around the block" a time or two. It's a decent starter road bike and at least three other newbies have started with this bike, before investing in something equivalent to a BMW auto, (at about the same cost.) It came equipped with cages on the peddles and those scare me a little. Since getting my flip flop tangled up and tipping over, I want my feet free-wheeling so I can get my foot on the ground as fast as possible. She wanted me to use them, I wanted them off. We compromised. Right foot in the cage, left foot no cage. I just need to remember to fall to the left.

Not sure when tennis shoes weren't good enough for bike riding, but apparently now you need a special shoe for the peddles. They feel sort of like football cleats and my initial concern (after worrying about spiking the wooden floors) was tipping over and twisting my ankle before I even got outside. But, I managed to do both without injury to floor or self.

Okay, this was an honest mistake. My racing friends always talk about gels, and nutrition bars, and staying hydrated while biking. I love snacks (can't get to the stop sign down our street without breaking into the Cheetos) and if biking calls for snacks, then this is a sport I'll love. Imagine my disappointment when my daughter thought I had lost my mind asking about Cliff bars when we were only going around the block. New goal: Ride farther so I can justify taking treats. Or, maybe pasta and a solar cooker?

Now, the helmet is a problem all on its own. What the heck? How are you supposed to look cute wearing one of those things? Again, these weren't necessary 50 years ago. You just learned to fall and break your arm or something else besides cracking your head. I am very picky about my hair. I love my hair stylist and I'm in her chair every other Friday. I'd change my gyno before I'd change my hair stylist. So, I'm scared to death she'll see me this week and notice the ridge (i.e. helmet hair) around my head. She notices these things. It won't be pretty. Please pray for me.

Gear in place and ready to ride, my daughter helped me balance and get my foot in place for the most leverage on the push down. So far, we're off to a good start. As soon as I felt the wheel start to turn I yelled at her, "Don't let go, don't let go." She ran with me for a couple of steps, (picture a parent trying to teach a six-year-old for the first time") and she held onto the bike for added stability. As soon as she saw I was moving she did what any good instructor would do, she let go. Holy cow I was riding. Two house lengths before I freaked out and tested the brakes. Everything worked just like it was supposed to. With my feet on the ground I turned around and headed back shouting, "I did it. I did it!" A few more practices rounds and I was ready to take off on our first ride … all the way around the block. (It's a big block.)

Our friend, Darlene, joined us and there we were … My daughter cute as ever, Darlene in her professional biking attire, and me, in my workout clothes and Channel sunglasses. Darlene is fairly new to biking too but she's caught on pretty quickly. I presume the racing jersey and aerodynamic sunglasses have played an important role in how much she's improved. By nightfall I'd be shopping online.

Missing but also important: padded shorts. Funny, I don't remember so many "things" hurting when I rode as a kid. But now at age 57 I'd rather some "things" not hurt. So since this virgin ride I now have the most expensive pair of black shorts I've ever bought. The good news is, that although they are skin tight, they hold in all the soft, jiggly parts and with the extra padding in the seat, I look rather awesome. I might start wearing them to the grocery store, or out to see a movie with friends.

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